Is Microblading Halal?

Microblading can be considered halal (permissible) or haram (forbidden) in Islamic jurisprudence, depending on various factors:

  1. Permanent Nature: Tattoos are generally prohibited in Islam as they represent a permanent alteration of the body. Although microblading is semi-permanent and fades over time, it still involves the insertion of pigments into the skin. Some scholars may view this as problematic.
  2. Harmfulness and Safety: Islam emphasizes not causing harm to oneself. If the procedure carries risks or is unsafe, it might be considered impermissible.
  3. Intention and Modesty: The intention behind beautification also plays a role. If it is done in accordance with the principles of Islamic modesty and not for vanity or excessive adornment, some scholars might consider it permissible.

Since opinions among scholars vary, it is advisable to consult a qualified Islamic scholar to get a specific answer based on your school of thought.

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